Cat Health and Care

4 min

5 Tips: How Your Cat Copes With Severe Heat

Many cats enjoy feeling the warmth of the sun on their fur on the balcony or roof of the car. However, cats reach their limits on real summer days and with severe heat. Sunburn or heatstroke can be the consequences. The following five tips indicate how you as a cat owner can protect your pet on hot summer days.

5 min

Allergies in Cats

An allergy is an endogenous reaction against normally harmless substances (allergens or antigens) in which the body forms certain protective proteins known as antibodies. This antigen-antibody reaction can ultimately lead to several secondary reactions, which can trigger life-threatening situations along with harmless skin inflammations. In principle, all cat breeds can be affected by an exuberant immune reaction, which can occur spontaneously at any time.

8 min

Anaemia in Cats

If your cat has too few oxygen-carrying blood cells, it suffers from anaemia. The so-called anaemia in cats can have serious consequences. That’s why it's crucial to understand and take this illness seriously. Discover in this article all about feline anaemia and what your beloved pet needs to recover.

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Asthma in cats

It's not uncommon for cats to suffer from what is known as feline bronchial asthma, an allergic inflammation of the bronchi (bronchitis). All age groups and cat breeds can suffer from this disease, although Siamese cats are affected particularly often.

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Bone health for cats

Healthy bones and joints are essential for little hunters like cats. However, unfortunately what appears self-evident isn't always obvious. Along with age and injuries, poor nutrition and illnesses can also affect a cat's bone health, cause inflammation and lead to long-term damage.

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Cat Age

A cat’s age is not linear compared to a human’s age. During their first year a cat develops particularly fast and it’s only from its second year onwards that the age curve becomes more linear.

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Cat Allergy in Humans

You love cats but always have to sneeze in their presence and your eyes get watery? Then you may have a cat hair allergy. Find out here how to reduce cat allergy symptoms and open the doors to plenty of cat cuddles.

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Cat bites

You have an outdoor cat that comes limping home? Then there's a good chance that it was in a turf war. In this case, affected cats often have scratch and bite marks, which can lead to severe inflammations and dangerous bacterial sepsis if unrecognised. Along with cats themselves, we pet owners and other pets like dogs, rabbits or chickens can be affected by cat bites. Due to the very high risk of infection, early detection and treatment are of great importance. The following article tells you what you should concentrate on:

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Cat Colds

Cold, wet weather, mud and constant changes in temperature – the current weather in the United Kingdom really puts human and animal immune systems to a tough test. Hence, many cat owners are familiar with the subject of cat colds from first-hand experience. 

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Cat litter: Clumping or Silica Litter?

It’s not just the right type of litter tray that will make your cat happy, but also the right type of cat litter. The best litters are ones that are very absorbent and ideally neutralise odours too, but finding the perfect cat litter can be no easy task with so many varieties on offer from natural clumping litter made of clay, non-clumping litter, litter made of wood or silica.

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Cat Vaccinations

There is lots you can do to keep your cat fit and healthy! A proper diet, a stress-free environment and lots of affection benefits them as much as regular visits to the vet. Your cat’s annual vet check-up often includes vaccinations against common infectious diseases. But more vaccinations aren’t always better. So, which vaccinations are useful and which are not?

8 min

Coconut Oil for Cats

Coconut oil is very popular among cat owners as it provides natural protection from ticks and other parasites. In addition, this on-trend product is said to have numerous benefits. We will give you tips and information on how and when coconut oil can be a practical alternative to conventional remedies.

5 min

Colds in Cats

Like us humans, our pets can also suffer from colds. The typical symptoms of colds like coughing, sniffles and tiredness are mostly the consequence of a harmless viral infection, with the pathogens of the cat cold complex playing a primary role. The latter often emerges in animal shelters or households with several young cats. Some of the pathogens can have a serious impact on a cat's health, which is why a thorough diagnosis and effective treatment are very important.

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Conjunctivitis in cats

Conjunctivitis, also called pink eye, very regularly affects cats and can be triggered by numerous causes. It isn't a single disease, but rather a symptom. Although all cat breeds and all ages can be affected, young cats in particular suffer from cat colds, whilst older cats often have allergic conjunctivitis. Consequently, conjunctivitis with cats can also be accompanied by other symptoms, which influences treatment and prognosis.

6 min

Constipation in Cats

Your cat strolls to its litter box as usual but afterward, only a few hard pellets are left behind. This could mean your feline friend is suffering from constipation. Discover how to recognise constipation in cats and the best ways to lend a helping paw in the following article.

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Coronavirus in cats

Coronaviruses don't just affect us pet owners, but our furry friends too. In contrast to the new type of coronavirus affecting humans, feline coronavirus (FcoV) has already been known for several years. These include feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) and the much better-known feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV). The latter causes fatal feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), which leads to peritonitis and abdominal dropsy. On the other hand, people suffer from flu-like symptoms, especially those with weakened immune systems like elderly or sick people.

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Coughing in Cats

Coughing is very common with cats and can be triggered by numerous causes. A cough is an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs through the cat's mouth. The trigger for this symptom is always a stimulus that triggers the associated cough reflex. The objective of this reflex is either to cough out foreign bodies or to remove bronchial mucus from the respiratory tract.

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Dehydration in Cats

It's said that we cat owners should drink around 2 to 2.5 litres of water each day. We don't always manage this and sometimes suffer from headaches and a bad mood in the evenings. But how much fluids do our cats actually have to consume in order to not suffer from dehydration? And how do I recognise whether my cat has drunk enough or if it is dehydrated? We will give you all the important facts and tips on the subject of dehydration in cats.

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Diarrhoea in Cats

Durchfall (oder Diarrhö) gehört sicher zu den häufigsten Krankheitszeichen, mit denen Katzenbesitzer in Berührung kommen. Aber was kann alles Durchfall bei Katzen verursachen und ab wann sollten Sie sich Sorgen machen? Die wichtigsten Informationen haben wir in diesem Artikel für Sie zusammengefasst.

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Digestion problems in cats

The diet of our domestic cats rarely resembles that of their wild relatives. As a result, the change in cat food since they started living with humans is a key factor in many cats being constantly plagued by digestion problems. However, illnesses, contamination and other issues can also cause diarrhoea, vomiting and constipation!

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Feline AIDS (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, FIV)

Has your cat tested positive for feline AIDS? Above all, keep calm. Find out here why a positive feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) test doesn't always indicate an FIV infection and what you should focus on if your cat is actually suffering from feline AIDS.

1 min

Feline Hearing Ability

Cats have considerably better hearing and sound localisation than humans. For adult cats, the upper hearing limit is around 50,000 Hz, whilst young cats even hear sounds up to 100,000 Hz. In contrast, we just about manage to hear sounds of 20,000 Hz. This figure decreases rapidly amongst old people, which becomes very evident when they can no longer hear high frequency sounds such as dog whistles or bat calls, for instance. Likewise, dogs fall behind cats with a hearing range of up to 40,000 Hz.

4 min

First Aid for Limping Cats – How to Treat Paw Injuries

If you see a limping cat, it's likely due to a paw injury. Smaller cut wounds on the paws in particular are no rarity. How can I help a cat if you notice an injury? We will show you how to deal with paw injuries with cats in the right way, how to put on a dressing and what should be in a first aid kit.

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Growth of Cats in Six Phases

How long do cats take to grow and how big do they get? This depends partly on their genetic make-up and external factors such as diet. Cats have six growth phases. If we are aware of these, we can give our cats the perfect start to a healthy life and support them as well as possible on the road to adulthood.

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Gum inflammation (Gingivitis) in cats

Gingivitis is the term for inflammation of the gums, which mostly manifests itself through redness and swelling of the mucous membrane surrounding the teeth. This usually painful gum disease is very common amongst cats and can be triggered by numerous causes. Thus, a detailed diagnosis is important in order to treat it correctly and at an early stage.

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Hair loss in cats (Alopecia)

Hair loss (alopecia) in cats can occur physiologically due to seasonal moulting, or can also be pathological. Parasites, hormonal disorders or hereditary hair formation disorders are just a few examples of the causes of hair loss in cats:

2 min

How a Sensitive Stomach Affects Cats

Around two-thirds of all cat owners think that a sensitive stomach has an impact on the general health of their cats. Food intolerances can lead to dull fur and bad skin. However, only in around a quarter of cases an intolerance can cause repeated vomiting and/or diarrhoea. It's important to differentiate intolerance from a real allergy, i.e. a reaction triggered by the immune system.

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How cats see

Cats are master hunters, even in the dark. But how do they do that? And is it actually true that cats are colourblind? We will explain how cats see the world and how their eyes are constructed. We will also give you tips should you have a cat with poor vision at home.

7 min

How to Correctly Deworm Kittens

Worm infestations affect young cats with relative frequency. If untreated, they can lead to severe ailments. Thankfully though, parasites are very easy to combat as soon as the problem has been recognised. Get your little “tiger to caress”, as Victor Hugo lovingly called cats, dewormed for the first time three weeks after it is born and then every three to four weeks recurrently.

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How You Can Recognise Pain in Cats

Cats can suffer from pain just as severe as us humans. The problem is simply that our pets often hide this from us. But without treatment, chronic pain can soon develop, therefore it is important to pay attention to changes in your cat's behaviour in order to start with the right pain treatment at an early stage.

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Kitten Diarrhoea

When a kitten enters your home, it¡s an exciting time for everyone! Regardless of whether you're an experienced or first-time cat owner, it's a time of change. Little cats require special attention. Enjoy every minute because they grow up ever so fast!

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Loss of Appetite in Cats

In specialist medical jargon, loss of appetite is also known as anorexia or inappetence. This is a pathologically reduced food intake, which can be triggered by different causes. However, the term has to be differentiated from what is known as pseudo-anorexia. This condition describes a sense of hunger with simultaneously disturbed food intake (e.g. due to injuries to the jaw or difficulties swallowing).

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Neutering your Cat

Es gibt wohl kaum etwas Niedlicheres auf der Welt als Katzenbabys. Doch leider finden nicht alle Kitten ein schönes Zuhause. Wenn sich Katzen unkontrolliert paaren und vermehren, ist für ihren Nachwuchs ein Leben im Elend quasi vorprogrammiert. Indem Sie Ihre Katze kastrieren lassen, beugen Sie daher unnötigem Leid vor. Wie eine Kastration bei Katzen abläuft, was es zu beachten gilt und wie sich die Sterilisation davon unterscheidet, haben wir für Sie zusammengefasst.

8 min

Parasites Affecting Cats: Removing Ticks and Fleas

Parasites are little pests that feed off the blood of our cats. Not only are they irksome, but they can also cause severe diseases. Find out everything you need to know about parasites affecting cats, especially ticks and fleas in the following article.

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Physiotherapy for Cats

Cats are remarkably agile creatures. When their mobility is hindered by injuries or diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, it can have a significant impact on their quality of life. Discover how physiotherapy for cats can aid in this article.

3 min

Precautions for Kittens

As long as kittens consume their mother's milk, they will be well protected from infections by all the antibodies it contains. This protection only diminishes when they start to eat solid food from the age of six weeks.

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Should I Give My Cat a Bath?

Cats are generally considered very clean and hygienic. But what if they ever come home really dirty? Can or should I bathe my cat? We will give you a short overview and some practical tips.

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Sunburn in Cats

You may believe that cats are sufficiently sun-protected by their fur. Unfortunately, they too can get sunburn. In this article we explain which breeds are especially sensitive, how to identify sunburn and the measures you can take to treat it.

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Tartar in Cats

Old cats in particular often suffer from severe tartar, which is made up of brownish-yellow deposits on the surface of the teeth. This forms through accumulated dental plaque, which is still soft in contrast to hard tartar. More precisely, it is a thin film of mucus made up of food particles like proteins or polysaccharides and microbes (e.g. fungi and bacteria). Tartar in cats can develop from inflammation of the mouth, such as in the gums or periodontitis. In addition, tartar leads to further inflammation through bacterial infections.

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The First Visit to the Vet

Generally speaking, kittens are cared for exclusively and extremely well by their mother in their first six weeks and are protected from infections by antibodies in her milk. Should a kitten nevertheless fall ill, a quick trip to the vet is always advisable, since young cats in particular have little resistance, vital functions quickly malfunction and they can soon give in to severe illnesses.

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Toxic Plants for Cats

Your garden is blooming in full splendour and your cat is nibbling at your garden plants with relish. As wonderful as this may seem, it can be life-threatening because not all plants are good for your cat's health! In this article you can find out everything on the important subject of toxic plants for cats.

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Wasp Stings & Cats: What To Do?

Time and again, cats have to see a vet due to a wasp sting. But what should be done in emergencies and when do wasp stings become dangerous for cats? We will explain it all, as well as the difference between a cat being stung by a wasp or a bee.

7 min

Why Cats Purr and How They Do It

Is there a better sound than a cat purring? For cat lovers, there surely isn't. Cats purr when they feel happy and this good feeling is spread to their owner. But did you know that cats also purr when injured or stressed? Read on to find out why cats purr and how they make this continuous, deep humming sound.