
Find out everything important about living with a pet in our Pet Magazine! Whether you have a cat, dog, bird, small pets or aquarium pets, our magazine offers you valuable advice on all aspects of living with your pets at home. You can learn about different breeds and their specific characteristics. Find out how specific types and breeds of pets need to be trained, fed and equipped. Read more
Dog Breeds

Wirehaired Pointing Griffin

Are you on the lookout for a dog that forms a close bond with its human, gels well with the family unit and can join you on hunts? Then you’ll be completely smitten with the Griffon d’arrêt à poil dur-Korthals, or in English, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon-Korthals. This breed is also commonly known as the Griffon Korthals or Griffon à Poil Dur.


8 min
Dog Breeds

Carolina Dog

The Carolina Dog originates from the USA and is found both in human care and in the wild in the swamps of South Carolina. Alternative names for this breed include American Dingo, Dixie Dingo, North American Native Dog, Indian's Dog, Yellow Dog, and (Old) Yeller.


6 min
Small Pet Breeds

Japanese Rabbit

Japanese rabbits are quite the characters within the rabbit realm, not only for their vibrantly patchwork fur but for their jaunty and cheeky demeanour too. Whilst their name might suggest otherwise, there isn't any connection to Japan for this endangered breed, also known as Harlequin Rabbits. Instead, learn about their true origins and what makes them so unique right here.

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Aqua Breeds

Black Skirt Tetra

A robust, easy-to-keep, and attractive addition: the black skirt tetra is particularly popular with aquarium newbies. Discover what makes these fish so special in this comprehensive profile.

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Bird Breeds

Alexandrine Parakeet

Originally from South Asia, the Alexandrine Parakeet owes its name to Alexander the Great, who is believed to have brought this magnificent parrot back from India during his campaigns. Once a status symbol among nobility, this green avian beauty is now a popular ornamental bird, although it does require a fair bit of space.

Our most helpful articles
Dog Dog Health and Care

Female Dogs in Heat

Although the heat period is an entirely natural process for female dogs, irritation at stains on the new carpet, fear of an unwanted pregnancy or their pet's strange behaviour can cause many dog owners to worry. Find out here everything you need to know about your female dog's heat period and how you can both overcome this without any stress.

Latest articles
Dog Dog Breeds

Wirehaired Pointing Griffin

Are you on the lookout for a dog that forms a close bond with its human, gels well with the family unit and can join you on hunts? Then you’ll be completely smitten with the Griffon d’arrêt à poil dur-Korthals, or in English, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon-Korthals. This breed is also commonly known as the Griffon Korthals or Griffon à Poil Dur.

Cat Cat Breeds


Originating from the US, the exclusive Toyger “designer cat” is a domestic cat bred with the aim of resembling a tiger in cat form. Hence, the name is made up of “toy” and the ending of “tiger”. Although the Toyger's name may suggest so, a pet should of course not be treated as a toy, but rather as a beloved animal with which you can enjoy plenty of fun and games.

Cat Cat Breeds


The sweet Singapura is a real rarity, since the number of responsible breeders is still very low. As a result, it isn't at all easy to procure a cat belonging to this exotic breed. However, whoever is fortunate enough to give a Singapura a home can count themselves all the luckier, since these cats have a unique character that is both delightful and fascinating – just as your life alongside a Singapura will be.

Say goodbye to pet-owning confusion with our great range of advice!

The tips you find in our magazine will help you answer all of your pet-related questions. This comprehensive information will enable you to better recognise if your pet is unwell and potentially prevent critical situations from occurring. You can also learn how to groom your pet and how often you should schedule veterinary check-ups. Our magazine will also help you learn which animals or breeds can become great friends, and which should be kept separate. As well as information on house pets such as dogs and cats, you can also find out how often a horse needs to visit a farrier – you can learn all sorts from our handy magazine articles!

Balanced pet nutrition starts in the food bowl

Just like humans, pets need plenty of vitamins and nutrients to keep them fit and healthy. As dogs are natural hunters and carnivores, it is important that their diet reflects this and is rich in premium meat. High-quality pet food can contain all the essential building blocks your pet needs to support an active lifestyle, although it is important to bear in mind that, as with our own needs, a pet’s needs will change depending on its age, breed and size. Nutrition will also need to be adapted to account for any illnesses or diseases your pet is suffering from. Here you can learn all about these vital changes that may need to be made to your pet’s diet.

Are you looking to adopt a pet from an animal shelter?

We have all had that experience of visiting an animal shelter and wanting to take every cuddly little creature home with us! However, before you choose a pet, you need to make sure your home is suitably prepared, with a place to sleep, eat and play. Your new furry family member will also need to be vaccinated and have all of the appropriate paperwork. Our pet magazine tells you everything to look out for, so there is no need to panic if you are new to pet owning – with our help and advice, the transition from shelter to home will not be too difficult for either you or your new pet.

Bring maximum joy to your life with our pet advice!

Thanks to our broad range of pet-owning tips, you will soon know how to react appropriately in every situation. If you frequently travel with your pet, you can find out all about the ideal transport options to suit every purpose. A travel kennel or crate can help keep your pet protected, as well as providing your pet with some privacy so that it is not disturbed. The more stress-free the journey, the better the experience when you arrive at your destination, whether that be a holiday, a day trip or a visit to the vets. In our magazine you can find advice from experts to help make living with your pet care-free and companionable. You can also find plenty of top tips on toys, exercise and food.