Here at zooplus, we offer some great dog exercise equipment and amongst those are the ever popular cycle mounts and cycling leads. Not every dog is suitable to be led from a bicycle. Before using any Bicycle mount, dog owners should consider carefully, whether their dog is fit for the physical demands of being led alongside a bicycle. Please plan sufficient time to familiarise your dog with this and train leading it from a bicycle frequently. For dogs with little stamina we recommend leading it alongside your bicycle for only a short time or a short distance. It is ideal if you let your dog determine the speed and the duration of the trip.
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Attach any dog lead safely and securely to your bicycle, for full-on outdoor fun
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Bar attachment with lead for small and medium-sized dogs, ride along safely, reflective trim, lead to attach to harness, for bike seatposts with a diameter of 22-28mm, made from chrome-plated metal
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*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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