Complete balanced wet food with hypoallergenic ingredients, including turkey as a single source of protein and natural goodness. It contains vitamins and minerals, & omega fatty acids.
James Wellbeloved Senior Hypoallergenic Pouches – Turkey in Gravy offers your dog balanced, steam-cooked wet food that can be used as a complete meal or as a topping for dry food. The ingredients have been specially combined to meet the needs of senior dogs, with natural ingredients and a hypoallergenic recipe that makes it suitable even for sensitive digestions or skin.Dog’s weight | Normal Activity | High Activity |
5kg | 4 1/2 | 5 1/2 |
10kg | 7 1/2 | 9 |
15kg | 10 1/2 | 12 |
25kg | 15 1/2 | 18 |
40kg | 22 | 25 |
55kg | 27 1/2 | 32 |