Holistic complete dry dog food formulated to offer your pet a nutritious, hypoallergenic diet. Now in a great-value economy pack.
Lily's Kitchen are proud to provide proper food for pets...so called because that is exactly what it looks and smells like. Each recipe is unique and is made with the freshest ingredients available. Only 100% fresh meat is used in these recipes.Lily's Kitchen food is gently steam cooked in small batches to ensure nutrients are easily digestible for your pet. Unlike conventional dog food, which often contains meat meal or chemical additives, all Lily’s Kitchen products are developed with an emphasis on a natural, species-appropriate diet.
More information about the individual varieties can be found here:
protein | 23.5 % |
fat | 12.0 % |
fibre | 3.0 % |
ash | 7.0 % |
calcium | 1.1 % |
phosphorus | 0.8 % |
omega-3 fats | 1.2 % |
omega-6 fats | 1.8 % |
calories that can be burned | 359.0 kcal/100 g |