Donate your zooPoints and help a pet in need: 250 zooPoints

  • Donate your zooPoints and help a pet in need: 250 zooPoints

Now you can donate 250 zooPoints towards helping animals that are not as fortunate as your own. ...further information

250 zooPoints

Product description

Every month, teams up with a pet charity to give you the chance to help animals that are not as fortunate as your own. At the end of the partnership, we convert your generous zooPoints donations into a fantastic parcel of food and accessories for our chosen animal charity or shelter.

Find out more about our Charity of the Month or the other ways we support charities.
To suggest an animal charity, send us a message on Facebook.

Please note: you can only collect zooPoints if you are a registered customer. zooPoints can only be donated when a purchase is made.