American Shorthair
Also aboard the ships of the first European settlers in America were four-legged passengers. The cats who travelled with them were prized because of their hunting ability. During long voyages, they kept the mice and rats at bay. They were popular on land too, since they made sure there were no pesky nibblers in the grain storages. It has emerged that these cats are the ancestors of the well known and loved breed that goes by the name of “American Shorthair”.
American Wirehair
The American Shorthair and Longhair cats are well known, but who has heard of the “American Wirehair cat”? This breed is very rare in America and almost unheard of in Europe. The American Wirehair remains an intriguing cat, which, like countless other breeds, was the result of a random genetic mutation. Read on to find out about this mysterious cat breed from New York!
British Longhair
Are you looking for an adaptable cat for domestic life, if possible with a long coat? Also commonly referred to as the Highlander, the British Longhair is the semi-longhaired alternative to the British Shorthair, sharing its friendly, even-tempered manner but with a lesser urge for activity.
British Shorthair
Are you looking for a cat that perfectly complements your family with its calm, well-balanced nature, and that will happily live indoors? Chances are the “British Shorthair” will have been recommended to you as the ideal breed! No cat-lover will be able to resist the plush coat and big eyes of the British Shorthair, and its character is equally lovable. But what else do you need to know about this breed? Our breed portrait will introduce you in detail to these lovable felines, as well as offering tips on purchasing and keeping your cat, alongside good nutrition and health care.
Exotic Shorthair
Do you love Garfield? Then the Exotic Shorthair is just the right cat for you. After all, it is a recreation of this snuggly, lazy but very loving TV tomcat with short, stocky legs and a large, short-nosed head.
The cuddly Himalayan came about through pairing Siamese and Persian cats. The striking point colouration in the face has given it the name “Persian in disguise”. In addition, the term “Colourpoint Persian” is occasionally used. Some class the Himalayan as an independent breed, whilst others sees it as a special variation on the Persian.
The plush Persian cat is one of the most popular cat breeds. It is little wonder, given that the Persian, known as “Gorbe-ye irāni” or the “Iranian cat”, belongs to the oldest breed of cats in the world – although the Persians we know today are not from the Orient!
Selkirk Rex
The Selkirk Rex is one of the few cat breeds with curly hair. Its unusual look and gentle character has led to it conquering the hearts of cat lovers.