American Curl
The American Curl is a cat breed that draws attention: its curved ears could also pass as an eye-catching headdress conceptualised by a modern designer. In terms of character, the American Curl's domestic cat heritage wins through: it is unspoiled, active and drawn to people.
The name 'Sacred Cat of Burma' causes real confusion, therefore this cat breed is known as the 'Birman' in English. However, don't confuse it with the Burmese! In fact, the Birman cat comes from a French breeding programme that was carried out in the 20th century. Here you can find out more about the breed that combines the best of the Persian and Siamese cat!
British Longhair
Are you looking for an adaptable cat for domestic life, if possible with a long coat? Also commonly referred to as the Highlander, the British Longhair is the semi-longhaired alternative to the British Shorthair, sharing its friendly, even-tempered manner but with a lesser urge for activity.
Cymric Cat
The Cymric cat originally comes from the Isle of Man, a British island. It is closely related to the Manx cat but has longer fur. Its most striking characteristic is its lack of a tail.
German Longhair Cat
The German Longhair is an extremely rare cat breed. This is actually unfair, because these attractive cats love the company of people and are straightforward to keep. As the name states, the breed originates from Germany. Special features are its long shiny fur and a harmonious physique.
The cuddly Himalayan came about through pairing Siamese and Persian cats. The striking point colouration in the face has given it the name “Persian in disguise”. In addition, the term “Colourpoint Persian” is occasionally used. Some class the Himalayan as an independent breed, whilst others sees it as a special variation on the Persian.
16 Feb 2024 | The Javanese is a semi-longhaired cat and is also known as the Oriental Longhair (OLH) or Mandarin. A slender body, wedge-shaped head with large ears and silky fur are typical of this cat breed. Javanese cats are very cuddly and playful.
The cat with a perm: Still a young cat breed, the LaPerm resulted from an accidental genetic mutation and is primarily characterised by its unique curly coat. Not just its soft curls, but its people-focused and affectionate character make it a perfect cat for cuddling.
Maine Coon
The Maine Coon has become one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. This is probably due to its majestic appearance, robust nature and great character.
With its silver-blue fur and shimmering green eyes, the Nebelung is a unique sight to behold and appreciated by many cat lovers. However, breeding is still in its infancy.
Neva Masquerade
Neva Masquerade – a mysterious name for a mysterious thing of beauty! The Neva Masquerade is the point variation on the Siberian cat and shares many characteristics with this breed.
Norwegian Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest cat emerged in its land of origin, Norway, free of human influence and wins hearts with its wild looks and genuine character. The Norwegian is original in more than just its appearance!
The plush Persian cat is one of the most popular cat breeds. It is little wonder, given that the Persian, known as “Gorbe-ye irāni” or the “Iranian cat”, belongs to the oldest breed of cats in the world – although the Persians we know today are not from the Orient!
Furless cats trigger very different reactions. But the Peterbald, a cat breed also found in a hairless variety, cares little about this: with its friendly nature, it effortlessly wins over cat lovers across the world.
The RagaMuffin, descended from the Ragdoll, is a gentle giant among cats and, alongside the Norwegian Forest Cat, ranks among the largest cat breeds in the world. Characterised as affectionate, cuddly, and sweet-natured, the RagaMuffin makes the perfect feline companion for families.
Is this a cat that resembles a ragdoll? Not at all! The Ragdoll is an ideal cat breed for lovers of Siamese, Colourpoint and other pointed cat breeds. These gentle giants will win you over not only with their beautiful coat, extraordinary colour and bright blue eyes…
Selkirk Rex
The Selkirk Rex is one of the few cat breeds with curly hair. Its unusual look and gentle character has led to it conquering the hearts of cat lovers.
Siberian Cat
The Siberian cat is the epitome of a native breed – a medium-sized cat with an original appearance, powerful build and semi-long fur that must have come about entirely free of human influence is its homeland Russia. It has only been specifically bred from the 1980s.
If you love Abyssinian cats but would prefer a feline friend slightly longer hair, then the Somali cat could be right up your street!
Turkish Angora
The Turkish Angora is described by its many fans as 'the world's oldest pedigree cat'. What's the story behind this assertion – and just why do these long-haired cats leave animal lovers all over the world spellbound?
Turkish Van
A cat that can swim? Turns out, there really is such a thing! Unlike all other cats, the Turkish Van loves the water and will venture out into the deep when it gets the chance. Be careful not to get the Turkish Van confused with the Turkish Angora. If you look closely, you will quickly see their differences. Read on to find out more about this extraordinary cat from Turkey!