Yarrah Dry Dog Food

Discover our range of Yarrah Organic Dog Food!

Yarrah dog food is a premium organic diet for your dog. Mainly organic raw ingredients from ecological farms are used in all Yarrah meals. Offer your pet a healthy, organic, and highly-digestible diet now with Yarrah's wide range of recipes to make your dog happy and healthy through every one of its life phase.

1 - 8 of 8 products
1 - 8 of 8 products
1 - 8 of 8 products

Vegetarian organic food for adult dogs, made without any meat or animal by-products, rich in plant protein and enriched with seaweed, baobab, soya beans and rice protein, offering unbeatable flavour.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
£5.00 / kg
RRP* £60.75
Our Price £53.99
£5.40 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced £107.98
Now £106.49
£5.32 / kg

Organic dry food for medium and large dogs, with organic chicken, high-quality proteins and valuable omega fatty acids, enriched with peas and baobab, natural ingredients.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
£7.00 / kg
RRP* £107.95
Our Price £70.89
£4.73 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 15kg
individually priced £141.78
Now £139.99
£4.67 / kg

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Wholesome organic dry food for adult dogs over the age of 7 years, with organic chicken and sustainably-caught fish enriched with rampion, rosehip and horsetail, with a reduced calorie recipe.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
£9.10 / kg
RRP* £82.95
Our Price £69.59
£6.96 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced £139.18
Now £137.49
£6.87 / kg

Grain-free vegetarian dry food for adult dogs, with a meat-free recipe containing ingredients from organic sources, rich in plant protein and enriched with organic algae and organic baobab.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £75.60
Our Price £58.59
£5.86 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced £117.18
Now £115.49
£5.77 / kg

Grain-free organic dry food for adult dogs, made with organic chicken, in a fibre-rich recipe with peas and tapioca, as well as extra protein from soya and lupins.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
£10.60 / kg
RRP* £101.25
Our Price £78.19
£7.82 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced £156.38
Now £154.49
£7.72 / kg

Balanced, digestible dry food with organic ingredients, developed for small breed dogs with organic chicken, wild-caught herring and organic peas, offering nutrients with no additives.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £44.75
Our Price £35.29
£7.06 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 5kg
individually priced £70.58
Now £68.99
£6.90 / kg

Complete dry food for puppies made with organic chicken. Enriched with organic peas and fish oil, with a high energy and protein content. Perfect for supporting healthy growth.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
£7.50 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 2kg
individually priced £29.98
Now £28.49
£7.12 / kg

Highly-digestible organic dry food for adult dogs, made with organic chicken and organic rice, suitable for sensitive or sterilised dogs and enriched with organic seaweed and fish oil.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
£9.40 / kg
£7.12 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 10kg
individually priced £142.38
Now £140.49
£7.02 / kg