Pro Plan OptiDerma Dog Food

Purina Pro Plan OptiDerma is a great-tasting range of dry dog food for puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs with sensitive skin. The special OptiDerma formula is a clinically proven combination of vital nutrients designed to promote healthy skin and an attractive coat. Same brand. New look. Reformulated recipes providing next generation nutrition.

1 - 3 of 3 products
1 - 3 of 3 products
1 - 3 of 3 products

Gluten-free dry food for medium-sized adult dogs (1-7 years) weighing up to 25kg with sensitive skin, with high-quality proteins, essential fatty acids from fish oil. Before: OPTIDERMA 

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £51.45
Our Price £51.39
£3.67 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 14kg
individually priced £102.78
Now £100.99
£3.61 / kg

Complete food for older dogs from 7 years and older of medium and large breeds (from 10 kg) with sensitive skin, free from wheat gluten, made with selected protein sources, rich in omega fatty acids. Before: OPTIDERMA

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £54.25
Our Price £54.19
£3.87 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 14kg
individually priced £108.38
Now £106.49
£3.80 / kg

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Complete dry food for medium breed puppies with sensitive skin, with selected protein sources and salmon as the primary ingredient, rich in omega fatty acids for skin and coat, with no wheat gluten. Before: OPTIDERMA 

Delivery in 1-2 working days
1 Varieties from

Sold out

RRP* £54.25
Our Price £54.19
£4.52 / kg
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