Pro Plan OptiHealth Dog Food

Purina Pro Plan OptiHealth dry dog food contains a unique combination of vital nutrients designed to provide long-term support for your dog's physical condition, activity levels and vitality. Same brand. New look. Reformulated recipes providing next generation nutrition.

1 - 3 of 3 products
1 - 3 of 3 products
1 - 3 of 3 products

Balanced dry food for adult dogs (1-7 years) of medium-sized breeds (10-25 kg), high protein content, with omega-3 fatty acids, optimized combination of nutrients. Before: OPTIBALANCE

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £51.45
Our Price £45.99
£3.29 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 14kg
individually priced £91.98
Now £90.29
£3.22 / kg

Tailor-made dry food for large dog breeds (from 25 kg) with an athletic build, optimal combination of nutrients, rich in proteins, high-quality chicken pieces. Before: OPTIBALANCE

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £54.25
Our Price £43.99
£3.14 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 14kg
individually priced £87.98
Now £86.29
£3.08 / kg

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Special dry food for large dogs over 25 kg with a robust build, optimal combination of nutrients, with antioxidants, vitamin D for normal bones, adapted kibble. Before: OPTIBALANCE

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
RRP* £54.25
Our Price £44.49
£3.18 / kg
Economy Pack: 2 x 14kg
individually priced £88.98
Now £87.29
£3.12 / kg