Hill's Dog Treats

Hill's Dog Treats are an ideal snack for adult dogs. Made with carefully selected ingredients, they are highly accepted and full of irresistible flavour. Made with no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives each variety is designed to support your dog, whatever their health or dietary needs.

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Hill’s Dog Treats

Ultra tasty dog snacks!

Hill’s has long been a well-known name in canine nutrition. The specialist Hill’s dog food designed specially to provide complete food for all dogs is popular with dog owners and vets the world over. Every dog deserves treats, so Hill’s has also created a range of delicious snacks to suit everyone. No matter whether your dog is healthy or still on a mission to get their, there is a delicious Hill’s dog snack to suit everyone.

For a gleaming canine smile: Hill’s Dental Care Chews

Regular dental care is vital for your dog. As this is rarely a fun occasion for dog or owner, these Hill’s Dental Care Chews have been developed. They are specially designed to support dental cleaning, with a specialised shape and a harder consistency than other Hill’s dog snacks. A fresh mint flavour combined with parsley overtones helps to freshen the breath. The effectiveness of Hill’s Dental Care Chews has been verified by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC), with a recipe that is free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Snacks for every palate: Hill’s Treats & Biscuits

The range of Hill’s Dog Treats & Biscuits includes something for everyone. No matter whether you are looking for something hypoallergenic, particularly low in calories or to support your dog’s mobility - a delicious variety of Hill’s dog snack has been developed to help provide your dog with a broad range of specific benefits. For example, Hill’s HypoAllergenic Dog Treats contain specific hypoallergenic ingredients along with high-quality protein from hydrolysed chicken liver, with carbohydrate from maize starch.

For a slim build: Hill’s Healthy Weight Dog Treats

These wheat-free Hill’s Healthy Weight Dog Treats are made with a nutritious, balanced recipe. They are designed to support your dog’s healthy weight and are free from troublesome ingredients, with a reduced fat content to ensure that your dog can still enjoy tasty treats even if it is prone to weight gain and struggles with keeping off those extra pounds.

Keep your dog moving: Hill’s Healthy Mobility Treats

Even if your dog is older or less active, treats will still be well received! These Hill’s Healthy Mobility Treats have been specially developed to support healthy mobility and strong, smooth joints, making them the perfect choice for senior or elderly dogs. They are rich in high-quality proteins, making these Hill’s Dog Treats a great nutritious choice.

Select the perfect Hill’s Dog Treat option to suit your dog’s unique nutritional needs.
Delicious Hill’s dog snacks can form a vital, enjoyable part of your dog’s complete, balanced Hill’s dog food diet.

Browse the full range of Hill’s Pet Food to ensure that all of your pet’s are well nourished with delicious food and snacks!