Interactive Cat Toys
Cat Interactive Toys – More Variety in Your Home for Cats
It's no secret that cats are very intelligent. That's why it's especially important to offer them opportunities for continuous engagement and challenge. With interactive toys for cats, boredom is quickly banished. Your indoor cat can exert itself mentally and physically, which supports a balanced mood and can reduce stress at the same time. And the best part is, your involvement isn't even necessary – your cat can entertain itself wonderfully while you're at work or shopping.
How do I choose an interactive toy for my cat?
There is a great variety of interactive toys for cats, so you're sure to find the perfect one for your playful feline. Ideally, you should combine intelligence toys with those that promote fitness and physical exertion, giving your cat a well-rounded activity programme.
How do I promote my cat's intelligence with interactive toys?
Many cat interactive toys are so-called "intelligence toys" specifically designed to challenge and train your cat's intellect. For example, your little genius may have to fish out treats that you previously placed in small openings, tubes or other cavities using its paws, thus "earning" its food. Alternatively, a certain mechanism might need to be activated to make the treats available. A good side effect of this type of toy is that it also promotes slower and therefore healthier food intake.
What other types of interactive toys are there for cats?
There are also many interactive toys designed primarily to allow your cat to indulge its natural play and hunting instincts. With scratching surfaces, balls, feathers and play animals, your cat can exert itself fully and hunt, catch, play with and nibble on them to its heart's content – almost like in the wild. Some of these cat interactive toys are even battery-operated, moving as if by magic – this awakens the hunting instinct!